
Showing posts from July, 2020

Twin Planets!

Watching similar gestures performed by twins is always a natural thing and so surprising, isn't it? Well, in my path of knowledge I perceived the twins' categories of humans, cities, rooms, crystals and many are existing to the universe's irrepressible bang but, turned nonplussed after hearing about "TWIN PLANETS ?" In the process of comprehending this new vibrant concept, I passed by many unknown things of Kepler's small habitable zone planets happening in space regardless of the daily life on earth.               Rolling eyes to someone with identical body language or looking at any person with similar habits, many of us at some point, might have thought about the twinning of ourself! Didn't you? But ever thought of the "Doppelganger to Earth"?  Yes, it is known as Kepler-452b! Meanwhile enjoying the double effect of Kepler-452b let me share you the particulars about Kepler space telescope.  The centuries-old quest for other worlds like our Ear