Black hole in Milkyway galaxy!

We are repleted with abundant resources by nature in our home ground "Earth".  Relaxing in your place and ready to know the terms "Galaxy" and "Blackhole"?
Where exactly everything began? Let us go in and explore!

Earth, numbered as 3rd planet rotating on its axis and revolving around the sun, also called as the 
"Host Star" in the Solar System which is the minuscule portion in our Milkyway galaxy. Similar to our familiar cluster of planets superficially termed as stars, the galaxy is collection of billions of stars. 

Time after Big Bang about 200 million years there formed a "Galactic Epoch" part of the matter era dispositioned atomic clouds for the first time combining Helium and Hydrogen atoms available in-universe. The pocket of gas in those atomic clouds may have enough gravity to cause the atoms to collect and structure creating a galaxy with billions of stars and a dense black hole in the middle of it.

 A star that was sufficiently massive and compact would have such a strong gravitational field that light could not escape such objects are what we now call as black holes, because that is what they are: black voids in space. These are messy eaters, anything that ventures too close-be it a star, planet, or spacecraft will be stretched and compressed like putty in a theoretical process aptly known as spaghettification. 

In this process, their gravitational and magnetic forces superheat the infalling gas and dust, causing it to emit radiation. Some of these glowing matter engulfs the black hole in a whirling region called an "Accretion disk".  Thereby the blackhole extends its lifecycle. The interesting concept is, the space-time notions are interchanged in these voids in space. It has only one direction for space and n respective directions for time isn't that cool?! 

Diving deep in this concept, black holes are briefly described as types: Stellar, Intermediate and Supermassive. 
As stars reach the ends of their lives, the largest of these fiery bodies(10 to 20 times as massive as the sun) is destined to become super-dense neutron stars called as Stellar black holes. 
Supermassive black holes. predicted by Einstein's general theory of relativity, can have masses equal to billions of suns, likely hide at the centers of most galaxies. Milkyway hosts its own supermassive black hole at its centre known as Sagittarius A* that is more than four million times as massive as our sun.
Astronomers also suspect that a class of objects called Intermediate mass black holes exist in the universe.

The boundary of the region from which no escape is possible is called the "Event horizon" which is part one in the black hole and the second is a gravitational "Singularity" which accommodates the huge mass in an infinitely small space, density and gravity turns to infinity and space-time fabric graph wraps to infinity as well.


The fact is, not every black hole is situated at the center of the galaxy, in fact, our known Milkyway galaxy has an estimation of 10,000 stellar black holes. 
So, is really Sagittarius A* black hole dangerous to our lives in our home galaxy?
Can a black hole take us a trip to another universe?
Do white holes also exist?

To know more information about space and it's happenings kindly be in connection with this blog. 
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  1. Informative blog
    Good work, Keep going on.

  2. Great workπŸ˜‰..very insightful 😍

    1. Hey there, love to explore such aspects.
      Thanks for ur comment.

  3. I could read this kind of stuff all the day

    1. I will try my best to give relevant content. Thank you by the by.

  4. Info is quite impressive to knew the unknown facts,
    Am waiting for the whole theory behind it.

    1. Will pour in all my profound knowledge to give u the whole theory. Thank you!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you for spending time here in this blog. Assure to provide more such content.

  6. Interesting subject Yaamu..Keep digging in

    1. Try to bring up the zeal of out the concept soon...thank you!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you for your support. Wil try to bring up more.

  8. Informative! something like this would increase anyone's quest to know things circling around!

  9. Informative n interesting.. Good work bruh😊

  10. Great work yamu ...more power to u��

    1. Whoa...thanks my lady. Wil provide more such content.

  11. This blog is really something! Carry on, Don't stop posting! Cheers!

    1. Thank you so much, ur words kind of satisfying! For sure il post.

  12. Great contentπŸ‘Œ
    Keep going our love and support is always for u Akka❤️
    All the bestπŸ˜‡

    1. Thank you so much for ur enthralling words. I wil try my best.

  13. Informative....looking forward to see moreπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    1. Sure to put all my efforts to provide the relevant content.

  14. Good effort dear. Keep improving and exploring.

    If I can be of any help, do let me know. Good luck

    1. Woowww, that's an astonishing moment for me uncle!πŸ’₯ Sure il take ur help if am stuck.. thank you so much for ur effort.

  15. Interesting and amazing πŸ‘Œ

  16. These are some of the hardest concepts to grasp at the first go but you have simplified them to a layman's term. Very impressive and intact content to read. Do write about wormhole:do they really exist...

    1. U are absolutely of my type. And u kneo my next post is about ur topics so without any late am posting it so soon!
      Thank you so much for this much interest.

    2. Waaaaooww, can't wait for it 🀩

    3. Am Excited too! Give me little time to frame.

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    1. Hey thanks my gal! Sure wil do my best effort to explore and share the content.

  18. Good yar it is so interesting ����

    1. Thanks u junior! Wil make more interesting content.

  19. Got to know a few interesting facts from this blog... Great work yamini

  20. Amazing πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
    Keep going

  21. Good start. Curious about comming up blogs. Also I would be extremely glad if I get to read Einsteins theories (of time and relativity which opens up to slowing up of time )In your version

    1. Hey thanks for ur immense words. Means something to my mushrooming knowledge. Yes I wrote about time travelling in the latest post in this blog. Refresh this page and read ur wished time travelling post of mine .

  22. Interesting....yupp great going...eagerly waiting for the next post :-)

    1. Hope to see ur reply for my next post. Thanks for reaching here and reading.

  23. Super... imaginary astronaut well done πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  24. Good work Yamini. I have learnt much info from this article

  25. This is a brilliant article. What are your thoughts on interstellar travel using wormholes in the near future?


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