
Let's clean....what? space junk!

Hey there! It's been a while I connected to you, hope you are doing well. And with no more late let's jump into my next TQE-2. If in case you are unaware of what's TQE?  TQE refers to Thought - Question - Explanation. Taking a leap from my thought thereby question on it and relating to our real world, and then drafting an explanation. Cool, well its not any rocket science yet a thinkable concept though! TQE 2: Thought : Keeping a clean environment is a routine and indeed a saving method for human life. Question : Yes, we have "cleaning departments" on our home ground - The Earth, but which department cleans in space? Explanation :  Space debris, also known as space waste or space trash, is a growing problem in our solar system. As we continue to launch more and more satellites and spacecraft into orbit, the amount of debris in space is increasing at an alarming rate. This debris can pose a serious threat to active satellites and even the International Space Sta

TQE with Yamini

 Hello friend! Firstly kudos for stepping into this new year 2021. Well, you'd be thinking what this tittle depicts ? TQE refers to Thought - Question - Explanation. I got geared up with a continuous thought process pursued me to name my content writing there by giving my readers a fresh vibe of my write up. #Off to space! TQE 1 : Thought : The bigger we are, the smaller the surroundings look like. Question : Ever questioned to yourself, what if you become humongous being on the Earth and can see the nearby planets with your naked eyes? Whoa..! Explanation : It is simple from my view. An ant is one of those tiny beings that can barely carry a rice grain, basically humans are seen as a giant creatures to it. For a dog as instance, it doesn't get feared like an ant to get into its own survival lanes rather gets comfortable once the human interaction is set from both the ends.  Now it's humans turn, when we were in childhood, our school classrooms themselves used to look like

Twin Planets!

Watching similar gestures performed by twins is always a natural thing and so surprising, isn't it? Well, in my path of knowledge I perceived the twins' categories of humans, cities, rooms, crystals and many are existing to the universe's irrepressible bang but, turned nonplussed after hearing about "TWIN PLANETS ?" In the process of comprehending this new vibrant concept, I passed by many unknown things of Kepler's small habitable zone planets happening in space regardless of the daily life on earth.               Rolling eyes to someone with identical body language or looking at any person with similar habits, many of us at some point, might have thought about the twinning of ourself! Didn't you? But ever thought of the "Doppelganger to Earth"?  Yes, it is known as Kepler-452b! Meanwhile enjoying the double effect of Kepler-452b let me share you the particulars about Kepler space telescope.  The centuries-old quest for other worlds like our Ear

"Time Travelling"!

"Fascinating ideas sum up to result in an extraordinarily unimagined modus operandi." The above statement was proved long back by our beloved scientists and astrophysicists in the field of sciences out there in space. Well, as the bond between us I would like to take you to the tour probably to another universe! Yes, by time travelling. Excited! Let's lock the seat belt in virtual spacecraft and know the facts, travelling. According to my research so far regarding the point of singularity, I reached to a locus, where this universe started from an atom-sized hot and infinitely dense point which was accommodated with energy and radiation back then.  Big Bang theory happened thus resulted in the evolution of two major eras: Radiation Era and Matter Era. Along with the timeline, universe proliferated energy, four supernatural fundamental forces, subatomic particles, Hydrogen and Helium the life for the other elements in the periodic table said to occur in the radiation era. 

Black hole in Milkyway galaxy!

We are repleted with abundant resources by nature in our home ground "Earth".  Relaxing in your place and ready to know the terms "Galaxy" and "Blackhole"? Where exactly everything began? Let us go in and explore! Earth, numbered as 3rd planet rotating on its axis and revolving around the sun, also called as the  "Host Star" in the Solar System which is the minuscule portion in our Milkyway galaxy. Similar to our familiar cluster of planets superficially termed as stars, the galaxy is collection of billions of stars.  Time after Big Bang about 200 million years there formed a "Galactic Epoch" part of the matter era dispositioned atomic clouds for the first time combining Helium and Hydrogen atoms available in-universe. The pocket of gas in those atomic clouds may have enough gravity to cause the atoms to collect and structure creating a galaxy with billions of stars and a dense black hole in the middle of it.     A star that was suffici