"Time Travelling"!

"Fascinating ideas sum up to result in an extraordinarily unimagined modus operandi."
The above statement was proved long back by our beloved scientists and astrophysicists in the field of sciences out there in space.
Well, as the bond between us I would like to take you to the tour probably to another universe! Yes, by time travelling. Excited! Let's lock the seat belt in virtual spacecraft and know the facts, travelling.

According to my research so far regarding the point of singularity, I reached to a locus, where this universe started from an atom-sized hot and infinitely dense point which was accommodated with energy and radiation back then. 

Big Bang theory happened thus resulted in the evolution of two major eras: Radiation Era and Matter Era. Along with the timeline, universe proliferated energy, four supernatural fundamental forces, subatomic particles, Hydrogen and Helium the life for the other elements in the periodic table said to occur in the radiation era. 
And there formed the first atomic clouds together with dust and smoke dawning stars and galaxies in matter era.

So, we are pleasantly enjoying these modern days residing in the Milkyway galaxy. 

Clearly, you can now notice how point of singularity at the time of big bang took a drastic expansion to the present day existences along with billions of years time gap and shining stars(what we call) in the sky. 

It takes 100,000 light-years of time to travel a diameter distance of our galaxy!
Let us now shift the gear and take a turn to the black hole theory of gravitational singularity. Similar to how the current universe took birth, there is a probability of another universe existing on the other end at the gravitational singularity of the giant black holes. 

As experimental and theoretical evidence mounted, it became more coherent that the universe must have had a beginning in time from a point- Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose. Taking this as the prelude, pioneers in space study stepped into the indagation to multiverse possibilities along with Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity.  

Respite! sharing you a little history. Back then,  Einstein and Nathen Rosen used general relativity to elaborate upon proposing the existence of "bridges" through space-time. These bridges connect two different points in space-time, theoretically creating a shortcut that could reduce travel time and distanceThen coined a term called a "Wormholes"! So, is that a portal to enjoy the ride to another universe?

Come let's dig deeper!

Wormholes contain two mouths with a straight stretch throat connecting the two ends. 

They are the passage through space-time, could create shortcuts for long journeys across the universe. 
Not just two separate regions within the universe, they could also connect two different universes. 

Similarly, some scientists have conjectured that if one mouth of a wormhole is moved in a specific manner, it could allow for time travel. 

Reissner Nordstrom postulated his geometrical calculation on the black holes and wormholes with certain metrics. 
According to him, an empty space surrounding an electrically charged black hole with certain mass (M) having no spin is subjected to undergo the grid-based different horizons. 
One of the readers asked me, "Wormholes: do they really exist?"

Doing no more delay with the help of  Reissner geometrical reckoning let's fall into a charged black hole. 

At the moment we cross the first level: inner horizon then transpired to see an infinitely blueshifted point of light appear directly ahead, in the direction of the black hole. 
Described content is these blueshifted points record the entire history of the universe, condensed into an instant.

Inside the inner horizon, the gravitational repulsion of the central singularity slows us down and turns us around, accelerating back out through the inner horizon of a white hole where the time looking outward directly away from the black hole. 

Progressing our movement in the inner horizon, this time the infinitely blueshifted point of light contains the entire future of the universe, condensed into an instant.

The white hole expels out into a new universe. We can not determine the new Universe until we pass through the outer horizon of the white hole. 

The same infinitely blueshifted point of light will be witnessed once again by passing through the outer horizon, containing entire past of the new universe concentrated into an instant. 

Well, here the point of light opens up and reveals the new universe!

Looking back into the white hole, we can see the universe from which we came, but to which we can never return. 

The reason behind: For black holes, the theoretical statement is, nothing can escape its horizon once reaching to the next level of accretion disk also called "Event Horizon". Correspondingly, there is no possible way that matter can never enter into the white hole, it only emits the matter with radiation from the black hole.

Finally wandering through the tunnel of space enjoying time travelling from the black hole we reached to the white hole. Is it really true and that easy to travel in here in the wormhole? And without any defect happening to our spacecraft can we be really reaching to the destination? 

Let me share some facts. It would take a Herculean effort to turn a wormhole into a time machine, thereby going to be tough enough to pull off a wormhole. 

To add zest, their reality is, the first problem is "size". Primordial wormholes are predicted to exist on microscopic levels. Over the expansion of the universe, it is possible that some may have been stretched to larger sizes. Second is the "stability", there should exist exotic matter in the wormhole to maintain the stability instead of collapsing quickly. 

However, British cosmologist Stephen Hawking has argued that all the above theory is not possible and also said: "Time travel possible, but only forward". 
For that to happen we would need some ultra super-advanced technology to proceed to multiverse or region in our universe with less distance and time travelling meanwhile. 

Sadly, this cannot happen in the mere future. So, our dreams to time travel said to be procrastinated by the universe. 

After drafting all this what I feel is, time travelling forbidding the law of physics.
Because residing in our universe which revolves and rotates has bounded to the unidirectional form of time. 

Traversing to the past and future of the limited life is kind of anomalous!

Time will create and destroy as well. For now on to some thousands of years up next let us watch time travelling science fictions in movies, and animation series. And enjoy sci-fi futurism collaborating advanced technology!



  1. No Words to describe of my Imagination to your Article,
    Am in a Trance,
    Keep on going, it's Fantastic....!!

  2. Perfect ..... Its a fantastic start ... All the best gal๐Ÿ‘

  3. Your article made me to imagine about the galaxy๐Ÿ˜

  4. Woww beautiful!! we are just so tiny in comparison to the cosmos. You are trying to explore the galaxy, it's amazing. Carry on..Want to see more article!!

    1. You are correct. we are so busy in knowing the fact of our tiny existence in the big giant galaxy.

  5. Great article.. really loved it yaar....All the very best dear ♥️♥️

    1. Thank you so much for your love on my article

  6. Interesting and very informative. Keep up the great work yamini! :)

  7. Narration made the article more interesting & connecting. Good.

  8. Wowwwww ���� that's been a really great to read

  9. Article is very interesting... Really loved it yarr..❤️ do post such articles...

    1. Sure will do my best to give you the unknown content.

  10. Awesome work ..and nice research ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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      Yes...I assure to provide interesting content. Thank you so much.

  12. That's really a superb work dear... keep going bro๐Ÿค˜

    1. Thank you so much for ur ignition of words on me!

  13. Waaaooww, waaoww, waaoww, waaaowww!!!! Such thorough analysis within so short span of time is remarkably commendable.I have noticed an improvement:you have used more pictures and that too having full relevance. Along with the para, the picture helps in visualizing better.In a movie named interstellar they proposed that the wormhole is actually spherical, you can give me more details about it later, personally. As your blog follower, the best thing was you mentioning my previous comment, that was soo touching. Thanks you soo much, luv you. Wonderful article to read time and again. I know you have your own topics too but just for suggestion, do write about constellations, some have mythological stories relates to them along with some amazing facts. Will be waiting for your nxt article.
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    1. So much love to u dear! Thanks for ur support ur topic suggestion is becoming cornerstone to my blog.

  14. Sooo intresting ๐Ÿคฉ...... waiting for your next article. Amazing work.....keep going๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    1. Finally ๐Ÿคฉ! Yes in progress to post...

  15. Too curious to know more.. hope exciting content is on processing...๐Ÿ˜

    1. Yes...with my small brains I'm trying my best to share the content!


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